The solution to last weeks Picture Number 12 –


Robin Hood Tower is a good example of what the Victorians thought a medieval tower should look like and can be found between Bootham Bar and Monk Bar at the north angle of the defences behind the Minster. Its position formed one corner of the original Roman walls and ramparts

This tower has been known by a variety of names. The Bawing Tower in 1370, Frost Tower in 1485 and Robin Hood Tower in 1622 – but it had all but disappeared by 1680.

The present tower was built in 1888-89. It is circular and there are eight cruciform arrow slits in two neatly staggered rows. The outside is faced with neat limestone blocksand, but the inside is built from concrete reinforced with tram rails re-used as girders!

Picture Number 13 :-


Bricked up for 338 years, now pedestrian access only – but where ?

The answer will be given here on our FaceBook page.
