York Residents Festival 2020

Fishergate Postern Tower

@  Junction of Piccadilly and Lead Mill Lane   YO1 9AF

Open on Sat 25th Jan  &  Sun 26th Jan  2020
from 10:00 – 16:00

FREE  ENTRY   (but donations welcome)

Climb the spiral staircase of this early Tudor tower, work the model portcullis and find a remarkably complete garderobe, masons’  marks, re-used roof beams and our displays, including brand new replicas reborn from fragments found in our recent archaeological dig.

Disabled Access (Partial – ground floor only)

This event is provided by volunteers of The Friends of York Walls.   If you would like to get involved please email  us at      friendsofyorkwalls@gmail.com

This is the first opening of Fishergate Postern Tower for our 2020 season.  For other 2020 open days please see  HERE


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